• Internal Public Safety forms can be accessed to the left, based on your role. Choose the appropriate form.

Lackawanna College’s Public Safety Department is the branch of the college whose primary function is to assist students, faculty, staff and visitors in matters involving health and safety, order, information, parking and issues impacting upon student quality-of-life. Utilizing uniformed officers, the Public Safety Division’s staff is easy to access and highly visible throughout the college’s Scranton Campus.

Public Safety Officers function in many capacities. They regulate and enforce vehicle parking regulations on campus; conduct random rounds throughout the campus to ensure a safe environment and check compliance with college rules and regulations; identify safety concerns, maintenance problems and security risks; offer assistance to anyone on the college’s grounds; and investigate and resolve problems and complaints.

All Public Safety Officers have been properly trained in the performance of their duties. Such training includes Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid certification and lethal weapons training sufficient to qualify for Pennsylvania ACT 235 certification.  In addition, they periodically attend advanced safety training courses.

Public Safety Officers exist to serve the college community so do not hesitate to request assistance when necessary.

Thank You

Peter Mose
Associate Director of Public Safety
(570) 504-7949 Office Telephone

On Duty Members of the Public Safety Office can be reached at the following number:

  • For Emergency: (570) 241-2022
  • Public Safety Office: (570) 961-7899